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Saturday, April 29, 2006




鞋子就像男人,往往貪外貌貪就手的結果都是後悔,後悔自己浪費時間浪費感情,或是他"quat"腳夾腳弄損自己的玉足都好,總之會心有不甘 --- 就算不能去斬他幾碌或者把他打個落花流水,都會費煞思量去想好報復大計,以將對方有咁傷「打」咁傷為樂。

不貪外貌貪就手呢?well, 就算讓你得到了一雙又好看易配襯又舒適的鞋子,但就算它再耐穿,總會有穿厭的一天。那個時候,看著它都會覺得煩,從此就收進鞋櫃的角落,繼而是堆填區。










Thursday, April 27, 2006

So, what handsome means?


演唱會中,Karen Mok 問大家: Julio 靚仔d定Dino 靚仔d呀?










Sunday, April 23, 2006

太公失馬 焉知非福?

Well, 各位姊妹,大家係咪成日會因為遇人不淑,遇上左賤男,而感到非常唏噓呢?

Well, every coin has two sides. 換個角度諗,正正係遇上一d又賤又蠢又傻既男人,先至可以俾大家有機會,用最惡毒最殘暴既言語,甚至行為,去糟質,有咁盡得咁盡而唔覺得良心過意唔去。(如果佢唔係咁賤,大家點可以糟質佢糟質得咁心安理得呢?)

Well, words are mighter than swords. 今日太公就狠狠地用言語糟質左個又傻又蠢既賤男一鍋...個感覺...好似一路用緊隻著住高踭鞋既腳係佢個頭上踩呀~踩呀~ 嘩!爽呀!雖然對呢個人已經冇乜感覺,之但係呢排係工作上受既氣,係prepare個show同埋個神秘大計(嘻嘻~)所受既壓力,都可以透過呢野一次過發洩晒~~~~!!!!! 真~係~好~鬼~死~爽~~~~呀~~~~~~!!!

所以,well~ 各位姊妹,下次遇到賤男,除左自怨自艾,仲要記得好好利用,如果唔係,你所受既苦就"晒"晒架啦~~~!! 爽晒呀~~~~~~~~~~!



除了手袋 必需有位傻仔
傻得做司機都濟 拎袋冇所謂
用黎解悶 亦唔"晒"幾多電費

明知你最後亦無份 亦任你犧牲
我知過份 冇鍾意都俾訊號人

曲:伍樂城 詞:黃偉文



係Scotland果時就成日咁掛住香港既野食 (嗱,雖然我真係有好努力咁發掘有咩又平有好食啦, 同埋後三個月係幾乎唔食中國野既...)

返到黎,我掛住果度d....嗱,好多係tesco有得賣既又好平但係係citysuper就貴到死既野食啦....仲有!我掛住d Indian Food 呀!! 好掛住個3鎊但夠食兩餐既lunch box呀!! 有好好味既黑mum mum Spinach!!






但讀過這所禾日水巷大學,尤其是住過hall, 就會對這個曾經切身親近的社區懷有微妙的感情;或許是因為這所大學身處的社區近兼其濃厚地區特式及富有深遠的歷史。

其實自己未去過堅池。連Flora Ho 泳池都未幫襯過,就不用說要走得更遠兼要付費的堅池 (對,大學時代太公運動只限fencing,別以為是零)

但堅池卻成為了一個landmark. 固然,一大原因是因為個名夠堅,每次大家沿蒲飛路/士美菲路走去堅城時,總會經過堅池,然後總會擾攘一番:堅池呀~~ 好像好好笑。


是的,連沒住hall的朋友說要回來hku, 也興奮得拿著相機到處拍照。畢竟那個是我們懷有記憶的地方,也是我們尋找、追逐夢想的地方。是啊!我們是在那裡尋夢的,那時候我們憧憬著未來,而日子又是過得簡簡單單。到今天大家都各有各了,再簡單也不見得,再在追夢的也許只是瘋狂。那段日子是那麼的單純!我甚至發現自己原來自畢業以來沒有真正的愛過;也別光說男人 -- 終於明白張婉婷何以拍出《玻璃之城》,是那一份對這地方,這回憶,這些人的感情,還有那一份尋夢追夢的激情都教人再三回味。無論如何這段記憶是一輩子的,是一輩子都逃不了的;聽起來可怕,但我寧願一輩子也不逃掉,逃不掉,都好。

堅池 -- well, 堅尼地城泳池呀!


縱然自以為愛過了很多,但到頭來發現這些所謂的愛 -- 無論自己再努力的催眠自己催眠別人說這是愛 -- 但其實只為好勝只為逃避一時的寂寞只為貪玩只為自己,到頭來發現,這些,愛鬼。
只有他才能喚起我這份單純 -- 大學如是,現在也只有對他才能如事。只消他能記住我的聲音,只消一通電話,簡簡單單;只消,我愛他,就可以讓我樂上一整天。原來不計較得失的愛就可以快樂,我總是忘了 -- 這個魔法由大學至今都只可在他一個人身上使用。是現在的我不再單純,還是只有他才能讓我心甘情願像個傻瓜去愛,我都不清楚。但其實不用清楚的,我是太任性太自私了 -- 明明是自己行差踏錯了,還說甚麼愛。能回去就好,回到還沒有走錯的時候吧!但人生總是要有這些遺憾才得以完滿,或許要經過這些遺憾後才發現自己的單純 -- 雖然是太遲了。就讓自己好好地保有這份單純的感覺,偶爾的回味;能夠這樣,也夠無憾了,我還想怎樣?


Wednesday, April 19, 2006




放假一於唔做公司野 (秘密任務除外)


這就是生活, C'est la vie...


Monday, April 17, 2006


知不知這份愛搖動時 便發現心的層次
這關係 今天美麗未如從前
還有沒有意思 知不知我為你沉下時
這關係 一些缺憾造成懷疑

在這一刻 讓我於高處跌下
而無懼怕 如你愛我
但你沒有答話 相信仍在尋覓對白
有些細沙 令一室空氣現在混濁了吧

知不知這份愛搖動時 便發現心的層次
這關係 今天美麗未如從前
還有沒有意思 知不知我為你沉下時
這關係 一些缺憾造成懷疑


之前自己也post 過「如果你愛我」。回想,之前自己也未體會得完全,因為還未愛到那帶點desperate又有點心淡的感覺。

今天再聽,細細咀嚼,終於體會得再深一點 -- 還未說體會得完全,寫歌詞的人的人生經驗斷比太公多很 -- 但體驗的確會隨著自己的人生經驗增長而有所變更。

在這個大都未見過未認識過人閱讀的blog上寫感情實在有點老土,現在的太公覺得。但實在和這歌有點對應 -- 當我再看者那男人一次又一次打來的電話時,我回想起那天自己愛得多深,再看自己今天對他那所謂道歉的厭煩,一次又一次的cut線delete sms -- 原來自己早已會去問自己願不願意 -- 當自己面對他的沉默日久,當,自己一次又一次沒有得到承受的跌下。


嗯,就是這樣,感激大家,感激大家聽我這老土up風!(扮i love you boyz)你地今晚個個都好靚呀!唔!(飛吻~~!)


Sunday, April 16, 2006

全球化 -- 死刑還是等候英女王發落?






1. 就文化本身而言,也有其優劣之分。

太公平素少幫襯Starbucks, 嫌貴。但難得回去HKU可以使用其staff card 七折優惠,就當然有風使盡。買了一杯mocha一個批,批先到,先將其及雜誌放在露天的桌上,再去拿mocha. 回去發現位子旁站了個staff (很可愛的男孩哦~);我還以為是不是自己妨礙他工作了,但他開口跟我說:「小姐,你的批剛剛被鳥兒啄過」




就是這樣。如此服務態度,未泯滅人性之餘,又可給本土文化一點衝擊 -- 到底我們的服務態度又該如何?誠然那位男孩個人也份外親切,但公司本身可以容許其作有關行動,也是文化之一。

再者,人權,男女平等,勞工保障等我們在爭取時也是不斷地參照英美等地的經驗 -- 我們也不是在體驗全球化麼?

2. 文化的衝擊不一定是吞食。老麥在港看似做得很大很好很橫行很霸道,但到底是因為其快餐文化的進軍時間正正符合香港所需 -- 七八十年代香港經濟起飛,人人抱著香港夢 -- 要努力就可以出人頭地,所以講效率,講快。於是大家各取所需之下,老麥之所以可以興起。觀乎老麥在西班牙等這些相對自身飲食文化豐富兼不需太講求效率的地方,就不能如些橫行,甚至芳踪沓然。



所以全球化不是洪水猛獸 -- 我們該是要去馴服它而非單純的反抗 -- 單純的反抗反而將自己放於對侵略魚肉的位置。然而馴服 -- 我們對如何監察企業的運作,有冇盡其企業良心社會責任等等;作為消費者多去了解企業背後的理念及運作等等,反思消費所可能製造的不公平及環保等問題,才去決定消費;一於來個地球人民共同體驗。這個全球化,i'm loving it.

Friday, April 14, 2006



前幾天天氣還熱,就算在開了冷氣的studio,跳那一陣子;或者,在街上隨便走一走 (當然不是雪房商場!),也會流汗。

忽然之間很不習慣。原來自己喜歡揮汗,尤其是痛痛快快的做完運動後,釋出一身的汗水,加上疲憊的身軀,感覺才實在 -- 沒有汗水,感覺總是有所欠缺。


我還是喜歡酷熱的天氣 -- 不是我在Scotland時聞的隔離飯香,而是我真真正正的喜歡 -- 我該認真的再動動腦筋找那兒做second home才好,Edinburgh不夠熱,OUT!


各方好友,太公黎緊將會係二零零六年五月一日下午三點,假西灣河文娛中心度有個Flamenco Show, 小太會跳Alegrias.




Thursday, April 13, 2006

New idea.....

New idea is always exhausting, especially if you wanna to make all of them coming true.

Exhausted by tonnes of new ideas.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I wish

I wish: I want to stay here
I wish: this be enough
I wish: I only love you
I wish: simplicity


Though I wish for simplicity, I can't tolerate it.

Though I wish for a stable love, I dun think I can tolerate it.

Though I wish I can be satisfied, I found it hard to do so.

Though I wish I can be stable, I found that impossible.


Contradiction is all around.

Well, to conclude: despites all my wishes above, my life is well enjoyed.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Say NO to United Nations' abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008

I just got an email about this from Muriel today.

Actually I knew this from my colleagues already. Yet, I was really pissed when I read it, and think into the issue.

Those foreigners don't understand Chinese Characters; PRC (People's Republic of China), who is expected to know, still let it happen. I totally disappointed with that fucking communist totalitarist government.

What is the purpose of uniting the Chinese characters? For easiness? I don't see any point for that, it's just like one more language to be published -- the political reason behind is TOO CLEAR -- to deny the Taiwanese identity, to weaken the Hong Kong identity also, by playing down the international role and status of Taiwan and Hong Kong through abolishing the written language they are using.

Such silly political act will probably accerlates the lost of Chinese Traditional Culture, which had already been distroyed much by Mao and the Communist ruling, in Mainland China.

From the petition:

UN's action to "unify" the Chinese characters and recognize ONLY Simplified Chinese will have devastating impact upon the Chinese language, culture, history. Internationally, Traditional Chinese would be forgotten and neglected, it would only be a matter of time before Traditional Chinese becomes the next “Latin”. (the dead language) Along with this lost of language, would be a culture and histories lost forever.

Yes -- and if have to 'unify' the Chinese characters they should force PRC to abandon the Simplified Chinese -- the product of fucking Communist Chinese.

I don't give a damn to it -- both Simplified Chinese and that fucking government.

Sign the petition:


Extended Reading:

Inmedia: Say NO to United Nations' abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008



喜歡逛蘋果,天后和銅鑼灣的都喜歡;尤其是銅鑼灣 -- 每次我都會扮去Lee Garden.

無論是那間蘋果,內裏都是小店家 -- 真的小的, 賣的東西所以也不是外面容易找到的。造袋的有,手作的也有,冷門內衣品牌也有,很多很多。

逛那些充斥著連鎖店的商場逛得不可再膩了,需要到這些小店家小商場透一下氣。香港的小商場所剩無幾 -- 只有小店家的小商場更少。

小商場更能突顯地區的特色。逛旺角葵芳的小商場,雖得較多,都是十來歲小妹妹適用,我這老人家逛得不太起勁,總找不到中意的 -- 找不到還好, 找到就總是買錯。老尖的,有些太高檔了點。而荃灣的小商場,就如荃灣一般 -- 未有很確切的style...說妹妹仔不是說cheap不是說高檔不是說潮不是, 但總叫可以找到些合意又有驚喜的東西。還是銅鑼灣好, 也許是較多且較熟悉,所以偏心;但的確很多時非得去到金百利銀座蘋果等才找到自己想要的東西。


金百利也不錯。但較偏愛蘋果的原因是可以聊天 -- 真的,不知何解總是在每一家的店舖裏,就算單單只買了一包的巧克力,都會聊上老半天 -- 或許這是蘋果內商舖的生存之道 -- 地理位置不佳,貨再好也難有新客, 做生意就靠特別,靠熟客,靠熟客來建立關係拉新客,就是這樣生存的;動機聽起來不夠神聖,但其實做生意本該不是靠人脈麼?人家小商店在香港的極端資本化中可是在掙扎求存。更可況現今香港的大商店裏,那些看似親切的背誦歡句背後,服務員和顧客幾乎是毫無關係可言;賺完你錢,關係完結,係咁多,拜拜。蘋果內可不同,雖說目的為賺錢,但為你選衣服較你穿等等,細心得猶如老媽,還歡迎麻煩友如我隨時發問打攪;冇幫襯,吹完水走時都可以留下一聲bye一聲問候。這些關係,大商店欠奉,在極端資本主義下幾乎絕跡,於是我們的消費模式變得愈來愈機械化 -- 人肉機械化;面對著設定台詞的機械我們愈來愈變得生硬冷冰冰,愈來愈不會去表達自己,也愈來愈不會去關心諒解別人,更愈來愈會像個啞巴。


Sunday, April 09, 2006


The reason for me to have that passion for 'the consequence of love' is, it's about imagination.

Imagination is important to men. Otherwise, life is just to live, plain.

That coheres to what I believe.

That's important to have imagination, huh.

And that's important to have some room of imagination in our life

though that's not hard to make that if we can, and willing to, as long as our imagination not yet died or wiped out.

I have special preference to imagine someone who I love, or loved; better those I have no contact with them; better those I encountered them out of this boring town.

Well well well, aki then is a good subject for my imagination.

Stories usually go that way on me. Before I encountered someone new, I always think the ex I've just blown up with is completely a shit; but when I get a new ex, I'll start to think the old ones are not as bad as I thought -- they are much better than the latest one.

So now I have to say I like aki. At least he got a strong character and enough (excess) confidence, which makes me dare to express totally what I think, no need to worry whether my words, which can be mighter than swords, will hurt him or not.

For my latest ex, I really didn't dare to express myself too much -- there're too much I know that he knows little, or even nothing to it -- I chose to pretend I know nothing and not making him feel bad -- but he'd just that a stupid man, even thought me as stupid....what a pig!

Aki is so good then. At least he's much cleverer.

I then started to get to my sensibility on him -- yes, a kind of strange feeling that, he's still admired, but not loved. An individual far away from me. I started my imagination.

He probably managed got his offer for his phD degree, and will start his term soon -- before that, go to hawaii and enjoy his sun and sea -- I know he loves water sports - he must do water ski there.

One day his email stopped. I wasn't really that care of it since they were rare originally. Just a thread of disappointment sparked into my head, but soon it faded away.

Another one day, I got an email from somebody I didn't know -- in it, I was told he got an accident during water ski, a tragedic one.

What kind of feeling I can have? It's not much, not heavy, yet complex. The one I used to be thought of and admired, no longer exists there -- though he wasn't here anymore, for long already. I should feel nothing -- I don't feel really that sad; but I really feel that I've lost something, not something as an object, but something in my soul. Yes, he used to live in my soul, but where should he go now? He's lost in my mind, I made him lost in my mind.

The story get's complicated. It has to be terminated, then. Yet, how's he now -- does he still exist on this world? Does his hands and feet still here? Does he...

Nevertheless, I still reluctant to email him -- just let me have some rooms for imagination. I can wait for his rare emails, the rare the better.

Probably I'll go mad some day, like Nietzsche.

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Friends, if you'd like to know more about me.

Get a "pride and prejudice", read it, paying special attention to Elizabeth.

The 'cynical' is the same -- what is their intentions underneath their 'kindness'?

but i never wish to marry good, not even to marry.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

All is full of love

I've got quite a hard time of heart-breaking.

Not the first time, the same mistake is re-committed. Again, I turn out to find someone I once loved is an asshole. I completely denied his value and existence. I questioned my judgement, which I usually confident with.

I was keenly questioned by myself.

I was desperately depressed when I locked myself in my room, after I've been calmed down for too long.

The room of one's own works when you have to write poetry and non-fictions, but not for heart-breaking. Virginia Woolf didn't put this remark in her book.

I shouted, and resumed my pub crawls. I phoned my friends out, chilled and chatted, something sensitive, with something crazy.

So good to stay with friends, so good to meet some cool people. I recalled Bjork's "All is full of love". Yes, all is full of love, just I didn't noticed the love that always exists.

My dearest friends, I love you too.

All is full of love

you'll be given love
you'll be taken care of
you'll be given love
you have to trust it

maybe not from the sources
you've poured yours into
maybe not from the directions
you are staring at

twist your head around
it's all around you
all is full of love
all around you

you just ain't receiving
all is full of love
your phone is off the hook
all is full of love
your doors are all shut

All is full of love

One more...

Army of me

stand up
you've got to manage
I won't sympathize

and if you complain once more
you'll meet an army of me

How are you?

It's been a long time since my last clubbing with friends.

Today when i was in a pub, I recalled my clubbing folks in Edinburgh.

One night we were in Human-bein', Melf and I discussed about the problem of 'How are you?'

He commented one of our folks says that too often -- when he was in Frankfurt he seldom said so.

I agreed. In Hong Kong I seldom say so, too. Upon my arrival in Edinburgh I got a hard time on how to react to the "How-are-yous" every time when I encountered somebody I know, on the street, in the classroom, in the supermarket, even on my way rushing to lectures. Even later when I got used to react upon that, I could never get used to ask.

But I found that Melf is probably the only one who agreed with me, among almost all people I met -- I found that not only Greek guys, Japaneses, Englishes, Scottishes, Welshes, Swisses, Spanishes, Americans, Norwagiens, Swedishes....even some Germans not from Frankfurt, they are very used to say 'How are you'.

Probably it is a problem in Metropolitan cities. "How are you?" actually doesn't mean much, but it do occupy people some time to perform such "ask and answer" action. Answers are repetitive, usually. Therefore for people from metropolitan citiies, especially where efficiency are highly praised, like Hong Kong and Frankfurt, people are probably reluctant to perform this repetitive action to everybody everytime when they encounter -- we are in a rush, we don't have time to stand on the street to chat how's going on with us, not even a while.

No wonder those from metropolitan cities appear as 'cold'. Like Hong Kong it is especially, people are living in their own movable castles -- not only to the strangers we are super reluctant to know or talk to, but also to our friends, we are spending terribly few time to try to get to know how's going on with most of them -- you know, even a phone call just asking "how are you?" without any proper purpose sounds silly somehow, in Hong Kong; probably will be seen as a waste of time...

That's why we get so many 'strangers' in our city -- though we are living so close to each other.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

En Catalonia

I didn't know much about Catalonia(Catalunya) until I did my study in Barcelona.

When I first arrived there, there are flags different from the Spanish ones, and I was messed by the Catalan which is more common there than Castilian (the "Spanish" we know).......I was totally in a mess, that's really a 'lost in translation'.

I then started to realize the differences.

The history of Spain was that unfamiliar to Hongkongers, even to those were borned by the colonial government. We don't even notice that there are four offical languages in Spain (which, you can say all four are "Spanish"): Castilian (Spanish we know), Catalan, Gallego (Galician), Euskera (Basque). Just the Castilian is the one used by the Royal familiy and at the region of the capital and more widely used, it is crowned with Spanish.

I'm not very sure about the Galician and Basque (though Eta), but I knew about Catalonia in Barcelona. I knew from my friends that Catalonia is their official language, it is a medium of instruction in most of the schools. Castilian and English are also taught as second and third languages, and they can choose one more language, most commonly French and German, as their fourth language to be learnt in school. (but most of the Barcelona people will say that's really crazy!)

Catalonia has their autonomy, though limited -- but people there can be free to practice their national day celebration (which is a public holiday!), use their national flags, have their own parliament, their own regional vote on their own matters, and have their own political group to speak out in the Spanish government. And now the Spanish parliament and Senate are discussing to give Catalonia more independence (see BBC news on this.)

The mindset of the Catalan on 'nation' is very special. They look Catalonia as high, they see themselves as Catalan who is different from people from other parts of Spain. Yet, they didn't deny their "Spanish" identity. They are reluctant to say Castilian as Spanish, because they see Catalan as part of Spanish also, equally with Castilian. It is a clever coexistence of two nationality, and worth further researches on that.

Here we can see nationality is not necessarily to be contradictory; there are examples of coexistence. Yet, to apply it on Hong Kong here's a big obstacle -- under the absolute rule of the People's Republic of China (PRC), it is always appeared to be absolute -- the PRC is the only and the all. The Hong Kong and Taiwan identities are viewed as negative, which contribute to the weakening of the national identity to the PRC.

The situation of Catalonia is similar to Hong Kong -- we Hong Kong also have our own official and dominant language -- Cantonese, we have LegCo and judiciary system which is independent from the PRC government (should be), we have our own government, law enforcement system, medical system, education system....even our unique driving direction from other Chinese cities.

Though that similar, I'm regret to say that's difficult for the HK-PRC relationship to be like Catalonia-Spain, neither Taiwan-PRC do. The key problem is lack of democracy system in PRC -- it is still under a absolute rule, without democratic elections for the leaders nor the parliament. Thus how can PRC government guarantee the voices of the Hongkongers are heard, when the voices of the PRC citizens are not heard (they don't even have a chance to speak out) when it is linked.

Hong Kong people are struggling on that, yet we can see we are losing our Hong Kong identity and automony bit by bit. The national identities of the two are already said to be and made contradictory and destructive to each other -- the Spanish coexistence is hard to archieve. Yet, we can still strive for our own -- to build up our local identity in terms of cultural, as what we usually do, keep ourselves unique, Hongkongers, we are the best.

Here is a war underneath to go, a hard one. What I must say is such an absolute government didn't deserve to claim the lands and "unite" other parts -- it should be united. I can still place my hope of this in Taiwan, Republic of China. Blesses.

Extended Readings:
Spain MPs back Catalonia autonomy (BBC news)
Country Profile: Spain (BBC news)
Generalitat de Catalunya
Government of Spain

Monday, April 03, 2006






























Sunday, April 02, 2006






「一點也不殘 最好不要拆」






攀架滑梯 兒女最愛




怕搬走 憂買菜也迷路

