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Tuesday, May 24, 2005



近 年申請公屋的單身人士大幅上升,而且有年輕化趨勢。房署數字顯示,目前九萬多的公屋輪候冊申請個案中,超過四成是單身人士,當中三成半現時在公屋居住﹔其 中三十五歲以下單身申請人的比率,由九八至九九年度的一成二,急升至去年的四成二。而該批年輕申請者之中,有一成人的教育程度達大專以上,更有百分之三仍 是學生。

Just see the title of the Editorials:
[ 東方 ] 申請公屋無大無細 單身青年乘虛而入
[ 太陽 ] 單人公屋設限 計分必須公平
[ 星島 ] 年輕大學生何須獨佔公屋

房屋委員會的單身人士申請公屋機制,提供了合法途徑予並非急切需要者濫用公屋資源。這種「公屋大放水」年代遺留下來的漏洞,必須及早堵塞,以免大筆公帑續付東流,還影響了真正需要公屋者的輪候時間和機會。(Sing tao)

When to STOP the discrimination against youth?

Why label youth as no urgent need as others?? As long as they fulfill the criteria for Public housing, they have the need, same as others. It should be fair.

It is too ridiculous and far from reasonable to label youth getting public housing as a kind of 'wasting public finance'. Instead of making the game unfair against youth, we should take the problem inplanted seriously. The unemployment rate is high in recent years, many university graduates, (i dun mention those dip/high-dips, associate degree holders) are unable to find a job, or a job of very low salaries.

Who made that? Let's recall, in recent years, the government keen on 'helping' secondary school graduates to further their studies, through making many more higher education spaces through generating many more associate degree holders. Yet, these associate degree holders, together with those dip holders and secondary graduates, have less bargaining power in their salaries, under the keen competition with the surplus of university graduates in the job market. It is not surprising to see them having a salary under $6000/m, even for a number of years. With such low salaries, who can afford the high rent in HK?

It is the government's attempt to reduce the unemployment rate (to throw more young people in post-secondary education, so fewer people unemployed) in previous years generated this problem, consequently the increasing number of young people applying for public housing. What the hell it comes to see that as a 'serious' problem, and through its way of discourse formation, pushing all the responsibilties on the youth??

What made Tai Kung getting more angry is the way the media present it....what the hell they encourage the public to blame the youth people, problematize it; but not looking at the entire picture of this situation...Fuck! Do they know there are actually there are many public housing are not let out? 公屋空置rate 好高呀..頂

房委會昨日拋出四個解決問題的方案,最方便 的是不接受三十五歲以下的單身人士申請公 屋。這並非年齡歧視,一如現時的高齡單身人士優先配屋計畫,未夠六十歲者不能聲稱計畫「歧視」他們。而且當局一向有恩恤安置的安排,那些未夠三十五歲的 人,若真正有急切需要,可以申請恩恤安置 (sing tao)

咁既野都抂你講得出. 唔係年齡歧視咁係咩呀大佬???

"這些沒有急切需要的申請者,合法「打尖」地霸佔了輪候位置,阻延了那些淒涼半生仍住在板間房或位寓所的申請人,顯然並不公平,也不符合政策原意。" (sing tao)

其 他個個都係淒涼半生住板間房咩?! 而且真係半生住板間房都輪唔到公屋, 咁即係公屋需求短缺好嚴重, 咁d年青人邊有咁快可以打到尖呀 (而家唔係俾preference 俾年青人, 係一齊輪呀) 佢地遲申請咁係佢地既問題, 定係以前政府有關宣傳做得不足佢地唔知自己可以享用呢個福利...咁而家年青人識用我地其實係咪應該appreciate...更何況, 太公記得以前睇某集hk connection(RTHK) 提及過, 公屋空置Rate 都幾高....有好多單位都冇人住呀...

太公真係好嬲d報紙寫到咁, 濫用d咁煽情既字眼 對d年青人好唔fair, 製造錯覺, encourage public 去discriminate against youth a!!!!!!



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