Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Italian, Venetian, 1696-1770), Maecenas Presenting the Liberal Arts to Emperor Augustus, c. 1745, oil on canvas
上一次倫敦+Liverpool/Manchester之行,去V&A, 初次接觸到Rococo呢個term. 不過唔知點解此行就竟然望唔到. 唔通有人眼大? 冇奶油Tate Britan + National Gallery都冇架!!
太 公愛Rococo,唔知點解。或者係因為果種華麗卻有隨性。完全好似以前學Music History 入面既romantic period入面d歌咁, 一種好Romantic 好抒情既"hae"......又或者可能係因為Baroque, 又可能係Playful
係lor, 鐘意一樣野咪鐘意,有得解咩? 你叫太公講點解唔鐘意Van Gooh太公都講唔出 -- 太公都認同佢勁佢d畫靚,不過唔like就係唔like, 費時諗 official reason喎.
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Allegory of the Planets and Continents, sketch, 1752, oil on canvas
Rococo - An eighteenth century art style which placed emphasis on portraying the carefree life of the aristocracy rather than on grand heroes or pious martyrs. Love and romance were considered to be better subjects for art than historical or religious subjects. The style was characterized by a free, graceful movement; a playful use of line; and delicate colors.
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