我....真係maj anthropology果噃!
我....真係maj 緊anthro時走去上下d art summer course 睇下art 書...
我.....真係maj 緊soci時走去玩drama, 更何況人生如夢
不過點解連anthro同soci咁近都有, 而冇art history呀, law呀, politics呀, statistics呀, nationalism 呀, cultural studies 呀, social work呀, european studies呀, education呀, physics呀, geology呀, medicine呀, dentisty呀, religion呀....咁呢?!
我會講準爆....因為我自知我確唔係一個nice person......咁都俾佢test到...
You scored as Anthropology. You should be an Anthropology major!
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我....真係maj anthropology果噃!
我....真係maj 緊anthro時走去上下d art summer course 睇下art 書...
我.....真係maj 緊soci時走去玩drama, 更何況人生如夢
不過點解連anthro同soci咁近都有, 而冇art history呀, law呀, politics呀, statistics呀, nationalism 呀, cultural studies 呀, social work呀, european studies呀, education呀, physics呀, geology呀, medicine呀, dentisty呀, religion呀....咁呢?!
You scored as Fun. Your fun fun fun! Please rate my quiz!
what kind of person are you? (shy,outgoing,fun,mean,immature,dramatic or nice?) created with QuizFarm.com |
我會講準爆....因為我自知我確唔係一個nice person......咁都俾佢test到...
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