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Thursday, October 20, 2005


好開心呀, 有新髮型...呵呵呵...咩即, 我忍左成年架啦...

其實香港真係好唔同. 好就好(真係?!), 但一返到黎就感受到果種壓力 -- 要你去消費既壓力. 其實諗返都好奇怪, 點解一個人要有咁多張credit card呀? 點解週街都係廣告鼓勵你去借錢呀?! 仲有, 點解個個要修身, 點解個個係條街度行都好似好以貌取人咁, 但係著既衫又好似個個差唔多咁喎. 點解要用最新既電話? 仲有, 個個sales都好hard sell咁, 仲有, 哼!! 買完野有咩問題, 點解唔可以退返cash呀?! (呢d賤人係英國一年, 成日做呢d野....結果, 有人雖然成日買野, 但回心轉意同後悔率都係奇高既.....) 唔制呀!! 咁即係利用晒人地一時衝動既心態冇得後悔咁賺人錢jae, 唔怪得香港果d sales會勁落咀頭啦, 咁你一時衝動買左後悔想退返錢都唔得呀ma!! 咁好唔healthy jae!! 賺錢大晒啦, 唔使諗咁果件野係真係suitable果個人同埋咁係咁真係對人類同個世界好啦!!!! 同埋, 點解d空氣可以咁污糟, 點解係mtr個個都咁搏命咁迫入黎搞到個個都咁辛苦呀....痴線架! 點解咁嘈, 點解週街都係d上網既sales, 點解d人要買咁多野, 點解咁少charity shop, 點解冇好似black market咁既野, 令到人丟左d仲用得只係家下間屋放唔落又冇用住既野呀?! 好唔環保呀香港人!! 好消費社會呀香港!! 好顛呀!!!! 好想返edinburgh呀!!!....如果個夏天熱d同長返三倍既話.

Monday, October 17, 2005

no internet at home....


go to library then...........................................

yeah you are rite! I'm in HK now!!!!!!!!!! ole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just trying to find few of the friends....the mess in my home made me reluctant to phone much...can't concentrate in that mess. Sure there are one or two people are that unlucky to have been listed on my 'wish to not see' list...well, silly coward, you should have known! (but i should probably write in Chinese coz that fuxking coward cna't read English!) For the others, please dun worry, I haven't forget you, but just too messy to find you....dun cry....haha.

(後記: haha...太串啦呢堆野我都覺得. 其實講白d我係唔想見到我果個勁唔ok既ex jae.... 仲有, 其實呢兩日我搵過好多人架, 不過你地唔聽電話之ma...你地唔好ignore d 唔知咩number既電話啦, 我個mobile轉左jar...你地見到個6字頭唔知乜係我黎架...唔好唔理我呀!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

sigh. my room's still in a terrible mess.....

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

to some extent....

to some extent I dun want to be back...

Maybe should find a job in UK.